Besides those pesky homophones to keep straight (they’re, there, their; to, too, two, etc.), heteronyms add another layer of complexity. They’re spelled the same (or similarly) but pronounced differently and then have different meanings. Consider these: wound (to wind/wrap) /…
Category: Featured Thought
Easy vs. Hard
“Easy writing results in hard reading” is a quote I saw attributed to Ernest Hemingway. However, upon a little investigation, it’s also attributed to several others, including Lord Byron, Samuel Johnson, Maya Angelou, Nathaniel Hawthorne, and others. QuoteInvestigator indicates it…
Always Worth Reading
In honor of Independence Day, the Declaration of Independence is always worth the time it takes to read it. Click to read it now.
Worth a Chuckle
Yes, passing on something I’d seen on social media… but it’s worth a chuckle to share it.
Grammar Stickler?
I recently took the “Grammar Stickler” quiz presented by the Chicago Manual of Style and landed right between “Coiled spring, ready to respond and rebound” and “unbending as steel.” There are times when I’ll bend grammar rules in favor of…
Maybe proofreading isn’t that important after all. However, whether or not you can read this, a polished presentation (sans typos and errors) is critical for any business.
Remembering great words of a great man
“Resentment is like drinking poison and hoping it will kill your enemy.” ~Nelson Mandela If ever someone deserved to hold a grudge, it was him. Timeless advice and worth posting someplace you’ll see it every day.
Have an attitude of gratitude
Nothing causes us to focus on our blessings quite like the fourth Thursday in November. Adopt an attitude of gratitude every day and you’ll find it serves you well. “Gratitude is the inward feeling of kindness received. Thankfulness is the…
Once again, punctuation saves lives….
A Lesson in Antonyms
If the opposite of pro is con, logic dictates that the opposite of progress is Congress. Recent events support the logic. Mark you calendars. We’ll be right back in this same mess in January. I’m not naive enough to believe…